
Pray To The God

About Daffodil

The Daffodil Nursery School,Goudabada Sahi, Swargadwar, Puri-752001,Odisha was established in 2012 with a mission to impart Value-Education in the scintillating city of Lord Jagannath. Basically, it is one of the premier elementary schools which has been burning mid-night oil to provide holistic education to the tiny tots through contemporary play-way method of Teaching-Learning scenario. The institution, located at a sylvan surrounding is just like a home away home. Having the Montessori wings, it has been an inspirational source for all round developments of the kids which would definitely take them to the Zenith Height and meet the global challenges.

Our second campus lunched on the auspicious occassion of Akshaya Trutiya 2023 at Netrananda Bhawan, Tota Behera Sahi, Shreejagannath Vihar, Puri-752002.

Hands in Support

Daffodil Educational and Charitable Trust has been extending hands of support for the upliftment of the demands and constraints of the style in 21st century , the institution appeals benevolent donors for its smooth functioning and the holistic development of kids.

A Few Words For Parents

  • Respect the personality of the child.

  • Stimulate and reward his curiosity by always answering questions patiently and fairly.

  • Give him opportunity to do things and make things for himself.

  • Instill a sense of appreciation of all things beautiful.

  • Impart a friendly attitude towards people.

  • Be an example of that which you would have your child to become children imitate.

  • Create in the home an atmosphere of love for God and love for one another.

  • Aim always to realize how things look and feel from the childs point of view.

Rules of the Schools

  • Children must come to school neatly dressed, uniform.

  • Children are strictly restricted not to go out of the school during the school hours without the permission from the Administrator.

  • Books, notebooks, bags, tiffin box, etc. should bear the name and class of the student.

  • Parents are requested to check the diaries of their children daily.

  • Cooperate with the school in ensuring an effective education of your children.

  • The Parents are required to meet the class Teacher/Administrator on every working day between 12pm. to 12:30 pm.

An Appeal to the Parents

Dear parents / Guardians,
       For the welfare of our children, you are requested to give a thought on the following points and act accordingly.

Kindly plan your visit/attending Social functions, keeping the holidays of your wards in mind. Our School remains closed for 45 days for Summer Vacation,10 days for Autumn break and 10 days for Winter break. Do not request the School authority for leave when the study is going on.


If a child is really sick do not send him to the school. Take care of him/ her at home as per the advice of the Doctor for speedy recovery. The information may be given to the school.


It is seen that quite a considerable number of children are taking FAST FOOD during the recess. Kindly do not give them the fast food which is dangerous for health.


Parents are requested to deposit the monthly fee of their kids on or before 10th date of each month.

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